Airtel Leasedline

Looking for Fast and Reliable Net Access

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Looking for fast and reliable Net access with zero downtime. A leased line may be the answer to your access woes

When you conduct business on the Internet; your company needs access that is dependable and fast. Time is money, and downtime or slow transfers can cost many times more than what you actually pay for your connections. Leased lines addresses these issues

Leased lines
Leased lines (or private lines) are point-to-point dedicated circuits, provided on Airtel’s National Long Distance Backbone.

Airtel Enterprise Services provides Dedicated Internet Bandwidth to Corporate Enterprises, SMEs, IT Companies, BPOs and ITES (Information Technology Enabled Services)) providers. A point-to-point connectivity is established using Dedicated Leased Fibre & Copper Circuit or Fixed Broadband Wireless between our fault-tolerant, clear channel network and customer's LAN. This provides excellent quality, high capacity, and resilient Internet Connectivity through our national network. We maintain redundancy in hardware as well as high capacity links with most of the major backbones & International Internet Gateways to ensure fast access times to key International Internet Networks.

An IPLC (international private leased circuit) is a point-to-point private line usedby an organization to communicate between offices that are geographicallydispersed across various countries. An IPLC can be used for Internet access,business data exchange, video conferencing, and any other form oftelecommunication.

Applications of leased lines

Point-to-point: For Data Only
One of the widely used applications of leased lines is having a secure dedicated data circuit between two locations via a private line, used to transmit data at a constant speed equal to the bandwidth of the circuit.

Point-to-point: For Voice and Data

This kind of application allows transmission of voice and data over the same connection. Here also two separate locations are joined together. This type of configuration is commonly provided on a higher bandwidth circuit. The bandwidth of the circuit is divided into individual voice channels and data channels.


1. A leased line is a fast, 24x7x365 connection to the Internet from your office or network, giving you instant access to the Internet.
2. A Leased line is a permanent circuit between your site and our Internet port, which provides you with unlimited access to the Internet for a fixed cost - regardless of usage.
3. Leased lines come at different speeds that you may choose depending on your requirement. It is available in tiered increments but is mostly limited to 2 Mbps circuits. For example, 512Kbps Internet bandwidth can be delivered using a 2Mbps Leased Line circuit. This allows Internet bandwidth to be increased in increments up to 2Mbps without incurring further circuit installation / up gradation charges.

This is the ideal solution for large organizations with high volume Internet connection patterns, where traditional modem dial-up or ISDN call charges can too easily become a significant cost item. You could use this line to share it across the LAN or for Virtual Private Networks

If you think you would benefit from connecting to the Internet through a leased line, please get in touch with us at

+91 9900932316

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About Naveed Iqbal

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Airtel Internet Leasedline

Contact: +91 9900932316


Dedicated Internet Leasedline
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